Tag Archives: Brussels

  • Crisis & Creativity
    —a 4-part radio series

    The European Union is struggling. Not just because of the Brexit, the GFC and the arrival of millions of refugees, but because Europe as an idea of fairness, democracy and freedom is under attack. But there are creative responses, ones that can only happen with a shift in perception and certain childlike belief.

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  • The low moral high-ground

    When we hear of major tragedies, along with sympathy for the victims, would be the reflexive response of ‘Thank God it wasn’t us.’ But what if it was ‘us’? We’d be asking ‘Why?’, ‘How could this happen?’ or ‘Who’s to blame?’ But in some tragedies, like the recent Paris attacks, along with outrage and shock, lies a silent but niggling thought ‘I hope it wasn’t somehow our fault …’

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  • The Art of Being Europe
    —a 6-part radio series

    It was Jacques Delors, former president of the European Commission, who first suggested the idea that Europe needed a soul. ‘No one ever fell in love with a trade agreement,’ he said. But across Europe, as the GFC bites and manufacturing industries fade, culture is on the climb and art is now an asset.

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