Tag Archives: Estonia

  • Jüri Luik—Estonian identity and Baltic security

    An interview with Estonia’s newly appointed Defence Minister. It’s an insight into many of the security issues that face, not just Estonia, but Europe as a whole.

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  • Kristina Kallas—Russian minorities in the Baltics

    How do the vast Russian minorities of the Baltic states fit into the complex geopolitical equations and growing climate of tension that exist around the northern border between Russia and Europe?

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  • The Baltic embrace

    As geopolitical tensions ramp up across the world, the Baltic region once again finds itself on the vulnerable edge of a frightening, but sadly familiar game of brinkmanship between Moscow and Europe.

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  • Crucial Europe

    Why should Europe matter to Australians? Is there any value in still teaching European languages in schools? Crucial Europe was a talk delivered, by Michael Shirrefs, to the Europe in the 21st century: Power, leadership & crisis, a summer school for secondary school teachers of European studies and languages, Monash University Melbourne, 18th January 2013.

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