He made no sense to most of his contemporaries. But today, Walter Benjamin’s effortless movement, across disciplines and between different media, looks like very modern behaviour.
More →He made no sense to most of his contemporaries. But today, Walter Benjamin’s effortless movement, across disciplines and between different media, looks like very modern behaviour.
More →Do we still believe in the idea of the common good, a concept that seemed ubiquitous through the 20th Century? This interview, with renowned philosopher Prof. Hans Sluga, seeks to explain what has happened.
More →An interview with Estonia’s newly appointed Defence Minister. It’s an insight into many of the security issues that face, not just Estonia, but Europe as a whole.
More →How do the vast Russian minorities of the Baltic states fit into the complex geopolitical equations and growing climate of tension that exist around the northern border between Russia and Europe?
More →Has the appealing notion of the common good, an idea that enabled the European Union to ‘float’, been replaced by the less appealing prospect of the common fate? Does this explain the risky, but increasingly prevalent clamour across nations for the option of jumping overboard?
More →An attack last week at the main railway station in the German city of Düsseldorf adds itself to a growing list of random and unsettling attacks in normally peaceful cities around the world, and especially in Europe. We don’t have to go back far to realise that this is a tactic with many precedents. But what do we understand about these violent events and about our reactions to them?
More →There are deep divisions forming in Europe, seemingly out of nowhere. But are these fracture lines mirroring much deeper and older lines of difference? It’s difficult to describe the trend without resorting to a term that is received by modern Europeans like an expletive. You can come up with any number of theories, but for God’s sake, don’t use the T word.
More →The European Union is struggling. Not just because of the Brexit, the GFC and the arrival of millions of refugees, but because Europe as an idea of fairness, democracy and freedom is under attack. But there are creative responses, ones that can only happen with a shift in perception and certain childlike belief.
More →How has Hungary gone from having one of the most admired legal systems in the world, to becoming the most worrying symbol of democratic decline within Europe? European Union was founded on the belief that all members wanted to distance themselves from the sorts of conflicts and closed regimes that defined much of the 20th century, but Europe was ill-prepared for the cascading side-effects of a crippling economic crisis.
More →Why should Europe matter to Australians? Is there any value in still teaching European languages in schools? Crucial Europe was a talk delivered, by Michael Shirrefs, to the Europe in the 21st century: Power, leadership & crisis, a summer school for secondary school teachers of European studies and languages, Monash University Melbourne, 18th January 2013.
More →It was Jacques Delors, former president of the European Commission, who first suggested the idea that Europe needed a soul. ‘No one ever fell in love with a trade agreement,’ he said. But across Europe, as the GFC bites and manufacturing industries fade, culture is on the climb and art is now an asset.
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